Benchmark Insight
Navigate the new era of performance benchmarking with confidence.
Pinpoint high impact focus areas for your team
Transform data into insightful recommendations. Benchmark Insight saves you time, so you can focus your efforts where it counts: strategic decision-making.
Unlock opportunities with full competitor insights
Immediately understand occupancy, ADR, and RevPAR performance versus your competition. Know where to find opportunities and where to act.
An insights engine that works for you
Embrace instant competitive clarity. Benchmark Insight eliminates long load times, spreadsheet downloads, and long training cycles.
How Benchmark Insight works
Play the strategy game with confidence
Benchmark Insight's unrivaled data sets silence any doubts. With market and compset benchmarking, welcome to a world of certainty.
Intuitive user experience
Benchmark Insight moves beyond static charts into visual storytelling, fueling better communication across internal teams, owners, and stakeholders.
Improve decision making
Dive into performance analysis with Benchmark Insight. Get stay date, segment, pickup, and pace insights at your fingertips.
Ensure precise analysis, every time
Say goodbye to outdated analysis. Benchmark Insight is mapped to your PMS ensuring the freshest, most accurate data, and reporting standards customized to your hotel.
One-stop shop for commercial strategy
No need to toggle between tools anymore. Simplify your decision-making process with Benchmark Insight's seamless integration into the Lighthouse platform.
Who uses Benchmark Insight?
Benchmark Insight FAQs
As well as competition and own-brand occupancy, ADR, and RevPAR performance, Benchmark Insight also shows your MPI (Market Penetration Index), ARI (Average Room Index) and RGI (Revenue Generating Index).
With the industry’s most comprehensive data set at our disposal, we ensure you are comparing your hotel's performance against a diverse mix of competitors, spread across various market areas, including different brands, chains, independent hotels, star ratings, alternative lodging, room counts, and price ranges.
Data is updated and refreshed daily to reflect the latest data from your PMS, which is also automatically reflected in the competitive data. The PMS data is received every morning to collect all changes made to past and future bookings up to one year ahead and five years in the past. The system syncs at least once a day, depending on the PMS integration of your property.
Getting started with Benchmark Insight is refreshingly simple. Our intuitive interface ensures that anyone, regardless of their technical background, can quickly onboard and start benefiting from our powerful data. No extensive training required – just sign up, and you're ready to go!
All data shown in Benchmark Insight is aggregated so no individual hotel will ever be exposed. Lighthouse has also obtained the highest security accreditations:
Lighthouse is ISO 27001 certified
Authentication is required to access the web application functionalities (e.g. a login portal)
All communications are secured over a protected channel - HTTPS / TLS1.2 or higher
Account passwords are stored using a salted hashing algorithm
Lighthouse products are developed using a Secure SDLC process
Customer / multi-tenant segmentation using an internal authentication and authorization scheme to avoid mixing customer data
One platform for everything
- Market Intelligence
- Business Intelligence
- AI & Automation
- Data Solutions
Lighthouse helps you understand market demand with accurate insights on hotel booking intent, allowing you to uncover new revenue opportunities.
Lighthouse gives you total visibility of the competitor landscape based on scale, occupancy, and rates, allowing you to optimize your revenue with precision and confidence.
Lighthouse offers an end-to-end solution that helps you track your hotel’s parity performance, efficiently manage online partnerships, and solve the right parity issues across OTAs.
Measure the success of your strategy by benchmarking performance metrics like average daily rates and revenue per available room against competitors.
Lighthouse gives you real-time distribution intelligence based on individual shopping requests and reservations, enabling you to optimize your distribution channel strategy.
Lighthouse enables Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) to monitor short-term rental impact and visitor trends to shape marketing campaigns for destinations.